This course examines the concept of human energy fields and how external energies can interact with our internal energies. Specifically in how changes in human energy fields may cause health improvements or be detriments instead.

These are the specifications of Human Energy Fields Course:

1. Awarding Institution / Body:
2. Teaching Institution:Online and distance learning, with tutor support
3. Programme Accredited by:
4. Final Award:Stand-alone Diploma
5. Programme title:Human Energy Fields Diploma course
6. Course Code and level:MNHM7012 – Masteral Level
7. Duration of programme:Maximum 12 months
8. Total number of study hours:Approximately 100 clock hours of study
9. Enrollment requirements:None
10. Enrollment date:Anytime
11. Fees:


  1. Lesson 1 – Spirit is a General Property of Matter
  2. Lesson 2 – Basic facts about electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic fields in biology
  3. Lesson 3 – The Science of Human Energy Fields
  4. Lesson 4 – The Tachyon Field: Theory and Practice on Tachyon Energy
  5. Lesson 5 – Geopathic Stress: An Introduction and its effects
  6. Lesson 6 – Types of Geopathic Energy
  7. Lesson 7 – Detection of Geopathic stress
  8. Lesson 8 – Correcting geopathic stress
  9. Lesson 9 – Energy Field Therapies
  10. Lesson 10 – The Cells communicate at a distance
  11. Lesson 11 – The Seven stages of Healing