Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Despite being a niche topic of interest in the realm of naturopathy, there is much knowledge to be learned from even just a single strand of hair such as a person’s metabolic rate, current stage of stress, immune system health, and adrenal & thyroid glandular activity. Testing hair samples can also dig up accurate information on carbohydrate tolerance, energy levels, and tendencies for over 30 illnesses even years before they start manifesting and more.

These are the specifications of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Course:

1. Awarding Institution / Body:
2. Teaching Institution:Online and distance learning, with tutor support
3. Programme Accredited by:
4. Final Award:Stand-alone Diploma
5. Programme title:Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Diploma course
6. Course Code and level:BNHM6024/HTMADIP – Bachelor Level
7. Duration of programme:Maximum 12 months
8. Total number of study hours:Approximately 75 clock hours of study
9. Enrollment requirements:None
10. Enrollment date:Anytime
11. Fees:

Course curriculum

  1. Lesson 1 – What is Hair Mineral Analysis?
  2. Lesson 2 – Nutritional Interrelationships
  3. Lesson 3 – Mineral Ratios and their Meaning
  4. Lesson 4 – Ratios and Patterns Involved in Hair Analysis Interpretation
  5. Lesson 5 – Hidden Macromineral Patterns
  6. Lesson 6 – Minerals and Macrominerals. Calcium and Magnesium
  7. Lesson 7 – Minerals and Macrominerals. Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Copper
  8. Lesson 8 – Minerals and Macrominerals. Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium, and etc.
  9. Lesson 9 – Toxic Metals
  10. Lesson 10 – Trace Elements
  11. Lesson 11 – Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, and Metabolic Syndrome
  12. Lesson 12 – Cardiovascular and Respiratory Dysfunctions
  13. Lesson 13 – Reproductive and Kidney Disorders
  14. Lesson 14 – The Immune Response and Infections
  15. Lesson 15 – Common Neurological Disorders
  16. Lesson 16 – Adrenal Insufficiency
  17. Lesson 17 – Copper and Iron Toxicity
  18. Lesson 18 – Depression
  19. Lesson 19 – Fatigue and Energy Pathways
  20. Lesson 20 – Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis
  21. Lesson 21 – Endocrine Disorders
  22. Lesson 22 – Vegetarianism and Body Chemistry