Energy Medicine

  • Su Jok Therapy

    Su Jok Therapy

    This course teaches students Su Jok Therapy as a way to heal patients by making use of energy points on the hands and feet. This Korean method of healing was formulated by Prof. Park, Jae Woo.


  • Human Energy Fields

    Human Energy Fields

    This course examines the concept of human energy fields and how external energies can interact with our internal energies. Specifically in how changes in human energy fields may cause health improvements or be detriments instead.


  • Homeopathic Medicine

    Homeopathic Medicine

    This course focuses on the study of homeopathy and how natural substances can affect the body in such a way that further stimulates the natural healing process. Homeopathy has been used for centuries already and it is the aim of this course to impart this priceless knowledge upon all its students as a powerful healing…


  • Holistic Energy Psychology

    Holistic Energy Psychology

    This course aims to help students learn the basic concepts and skills of energy psychology and integrate them into interventions when helping patients going through psychological problems.


  • Energy Medicine & Bioresonance

    Energy Medicine & Bioresonance

    This course focuses on the research related to Bioresonance therapy, diagnosis, and the particular equipment that can be used. The topics included in this course range from research focusing on the anatomy of man to different aspects of Bioresonance such as Bioresonance Diagnostics and Therapy while particularly focusing on the Russian bioresonance devices invented by…


  • Bioresonance Diagnostics Online Practicum

    Bioresonance Diagnostics Online Practicum

    This practical training course will teach students using live videos of previous clinical practicums held in Larnaca, Cyprus by Dr. George Georgiou, bioresonance lecturer, practitioner, and researcher.


  • Bach Flower Medicine For Mental Health

    Bach Flower Medicine For Mental Health

    This course is designed to give students a thorough understanding of the Bach flower remedies in order for them to utilize this knowledge within clinical settings upon completion of the course.