Diploma Courses

Bachelor Diploma

  • The Science of Natural Healing Diploma Course

    The Science of Natural Healing Diploma Course

    This diploma course explores the natural methods available to heal the body and improve health. The Science of Natural Healing diploma course is a series of 24 videos that cover a variety of topics in natural healing.


  • Pharmacology Course

    Pharmacology Course

    This pharmacology course contains video-based lessons covering basic definitions, pharmacodynamics, cholinergic drugs, antidepressants, antiarrhythmic drugs, diuretics, hypertension, antihypertensives, and other related topics.


  • Pathology for Natural Medicine Online Course

    Pathology for Natural Medicine Online Course

    This online Pathology for Natural Medicine diploma course is designed to help people who practice Holistic Medicine to better understand the orthodox medical system’s core principles. This course is not a general pathology course found in the curriculum of a medical school; rather, it is tailored specifically for practitioners of holistic medicine.


Masteral Diploma

  • The Science of Natural Healing Diploma Course

    The Science of Natural Healing Diploma Course

    This diploma course explores the natural methods available to heal the body and improve health. The Science of Natural Healing diploma course is a series of 24 videos that cover a variety of topics in natural healing.


  • Pharmacology Course

    Pharmacology Course

    This pharmacology course contains video-based lessons covering basic definitions, pharmacodynamics, cholinergic drugs, antidepressants, antiarrhythmic drugs, diuretics, hypertension, antihypertensives, and other related topics.


  • Pathology for Natural Medicine Online Course

    Pathology for Natural Medicine Online Course

    This online Pathology for Natural Medicine diploma course is designed to help people who practice Holistic Medicine to better understand the orthodox medical system’s core principles. This course is not a general pathology course found in the curriculum of a medical school; rather, it is tailored specifically for practitioners of holistic medicine.


Doctoral Diploma

  • The Science of Natural Healing Diploma Course

    The Science of Natural Healing Diploma Course

    This diploma course explores the natural methods available to heal the body and improve health. The Science of Natural Healing diploma course is a series of 24 videos that cover a variety of topics in natural healing.


  • Pharmacology Course

    Pharmacology Course

    This pharmacology course contains video-based lessons covering basic definitions, pharmacodynamics, cholinergic drugs, antidepressants, antiarrhythmic drugs, diuretics, hypertension, antihypertensives, and other related topics.


  • Pathology for Natural Medicine Online Course

    Pathology for Natural Medicine Online Course

    This online Pathology for Natural Medicine diploma course is designed to help people who practice Holistic Medicine to better understand the orthodox medical system’s core principles. This course is not a general pathology course found in the curriculum of a medical school; rather, it is tailored specifically for practitioners of holistic medicine.



  • Professional Practice and Legal Issues

    Professional Practice and Legal Issues

    This course will give students an overview on the legal issues and ethics of professionally practicing naturopaths.


  • Naturopathic Treatments of Skin Diseases

    Naturopathic Treatments of Skin Diseases

    This course will primarily focus on the causes & risk factors of skin conditions such as Eczema alongside the naturopathic treatments available to help heal the body and regenerate any damaged skin caused by these illnesses.


  • Naturopathic Treatments of Osteoarthritis

    Naturopathic Treatments of Osteoarthritis

    This course will tour students through the underlying causes of this condition alongside the naturopathic approaches that can be done to successfully treat it.


  • Naturopathic Treatments of Fibromyalgia

    Naturopathic Treatments of Fibromyalgia

    This course focuses on the study of the underlying causes of Fibromyalgia alongside the natural methods available in treating it. Students undergoing the Doctor of Naturopathy and Holistic Medicine degree will take this as a compulsory course.


  • Naturopathic Treatments of Autoimmune Diseases

    Naturopathic Treatments of Autoimmune Diseases

    This course aims to instill a naturopathic lens among students when examining and treating autoimmune diseases within patients. Through these naturopathic approaches, it can discourage the immune system from harming itself.


  • Naturopathic Treatments of Microorganisms

    Naturopathic Treatments of Microorganisms

    Nature is rich in naturally-occuring antibiotics produced by many plants within the plant kingdom that have no adverse sideeffects on the human body as compared to synthetic antibiotics.


  • Naturopathic Treatment of Gallstones

    Naturopathic Treatment of Gallstones

    This course teaches students about the naturopathic treatments available in flushing out gallstones and toxic bile from the gallbladder after having been practiced for decades with excellent success rates. The lessons will adequately show learners how to prepare and conduct the gallbladder flush so that future practicing naturopaths may be able to implement this procedure…


  • Naturopathic Sexology

    Naturopathic Sexology

    This course offers students the opportunity to study a new and unique science, Naturopathic Sexology which focuses on the use of holistic approaches in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions such as erectile problems, premature ejaculation, sexual desire disorder in both gender, vaginismus and orgasmic dysfunctions.


  • Naturopathic Osteopathy

    Naturopathic Osteopathy

    This course tours students through the study of osteopathy, a holistic and whole-body approach to healthcare. These approaches include manual techniques that balance all the body systems. This can range from stretching and gentle pressure to resistance, known as osteopathic medicine.


  • Naturopathic Medicine Course

    Naturopathic Medicine Course

    This course includes the necessary knowledge for aspiring naturopathy practitioners or scholars interested in studying basic principles and natural & alternative therapies. Naturopathy itself is based on the study and practice of the human body’s innate capacity of healing itself and how it can be encouraged further through natural means.


  • Naturopathic Gastroenterology

    Naturopathic Gastroenterology

    This course covers specific naturopathic protocols used in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) & Celiac Disease.


  • Naturopathic Endocrinology

    Naturopathic Endocrinology

    This course focuses on the study of endocrinology including all endocrine disorders commonly encountered by most practicing naturopaths in clinical situations. This class aims to imbue within students a naturopathic way of understanding, diagnosing, treating, and preventing endocrine-related illnesses.